falling away by Alistair Chong
well i guess
we've come across another goodbye
another song for another time
well i guess
the end of fall
a sign for all
to curl up and keep inside
-Ricky Fitts, American Beauty
no more leaves
shout it
desire indeed by Alistair Chong
well deserving
could there be sacrifice
or is natural enough to suffice
a talent we are blessed with
oh how i wish i received
something more
but we'd make something more
if we just tried
taking them
meds by Alistair Chong
the taste
bitter and broken
would only do a world of good
to me
sick and weary
i hope this leaves
bussing by Alistair Chong
on and off we get
the bus will take the road
around and around it goes
thank God they do
carry through
we'll continue on by Alistair Chong
always there will be
a spring following the winter
breaking between the snow
and finding just another light
as the sun will rise
faithful by Alistair Chong
no matter how many clouds
how dark it gets
the sun will always shine
forever beyond the rain
and endless days
she'll be there
voyager by Alistair Chong
on a payphone
in Paris
waiting to hear a voice
a letter from New York
and it never seems too far
if it never does
wants by Alistair Chong
cracks appear
in between fears
of many things
we could never love
or we could find it wrong
or never in the first place
the chance
charmed by Alistair Chong
lucky numbers
and a four leaf clover
a charm we'd kiss
before it's over
all we'll need
is the result
stranger by Alistair Chong
so we end up
in the same kind of place
an empty box
and a featureless face
heart signs
still there by Alistair Chong
too bad
i couldn't be bothered
searching through this diary
to find a note
a note we shared
no more
tens by Alistair Chong
home stretch
of a part of me
alone this edge
will cut the spree
words upon each other
where's the mark by Alistair Chong
before we leave
would you conceive
ever giving something back to us
before too late
we leave our sign
nowhere to be found
this we know
rolling dice by Alistair Chong
a few more
we'll gamble away
giving lee to what we earnt today
what kind of words
do we remember
dull as
four leaves by Alistair Chong
there is no notion
or cyclical motion
of this routine
we're just stuck
and there's no luck
we could ever see
i don't think so
didn't care by Alistair Chong
there we go
more than a half
some kind of mark
to commemorate a sense of nothing
so a lot slipped by
don't bother checking in again
back down by Alistair Chong
in the background
a black hound
waits for the hunt to start
to tear this apart
too many hours
fatigued by Alistair Chong
eyes so weary
can barely see blurry
heavy and burdened
sick of the light that's here
always similar
uncreative by Alistair Chong
emptying the words from my mind
is a surprising thing to find
a lot of the time
there are only the same words
a sign of lacking
a lot of
to the heart by Alistair Chong
a bed of grass
root for a pillow
chilly air blankets me over
not long left tonight
i'll be warm soon enough
for a reason
all night long by Alistair Chong
trying to pull one through
a night we could open up
all the way
until the dawn is upon us
missed times
routine by Alistair Chong
nearly through
by the by we go
letting it all slip by
before we could take any of it in
boxes we make
more than this by Alistair Chong
where could we go
when things get slow
why can't we find something else
something different
other than a light in the end of the sky
ideals we create
sweetheart by Alistair Chong
if we ever find each other
sitting underneath a tree
or swimming in the ocean's deep
staring at stars above
trying our best
to envision this quest
we'd be alright
through time
civility by Alistair Chong
we could sit around a fire
imagine life without a wire
we could stare into the flames
get lost in primal ways
and pretend today
never existed at all
because we could
simple things by Alistair Chong
we could find
a sense of pleasure
in anything that's out there
a dream or a sight
anything falling under light
after we're gone
repetitions by Alistair Chong
i think i find
i use the word sometimes
a few too many
i think we could all
find the right way
just another one
some kinds by Alistair Chong
such a finite possibility
in a so called infinity
that i tried to find
sure we could try
sometimes that just won't get by
this old
catching up by Alistair Chong
some kind of impossible task
well it's a bit to ask
might i answer with a sigh
shrug it off let it by
i guess i'll set to it
get going
go for good
penny in a pocket by Alistair Chong
go for as long as you could
run with your feet as fast
as the wind through a mountain
when you die
final breath by Alistair Chong
what if you had
not one more breath to take
what would you do
would you hold it
or would u scream
or what would your last words be?
would they be heard by many
or cherished at all
who would even know